Are you visiting Japan?

Looking for places to go?

Need help in planning your trip?


WE CAN HELP by creating a FREE one day local trip plan for you!!

How it works

Provide us with:

  1. The date you need a one day plan
  2. Desired location or area to visit
  3. Desired food you want to eat including any dietary requirements
  4. Budget
  5. Any other requests

Based on the above, we will provide you with a recommended plan.


 *This service is completely FREE for the first time!

Why ask us?

Because we know about Japan, are based in Japan and can communicate with fluent English!


You can also:

  • Enjoy LOCAL food at LOCAL restaurants
  • Visit LOCAL places that may not be highlighted in most guidebooks and websites
  • Travel around without hassle
  • Reach out to us if you have any questions on the plan or places included in the plan

All we will ask from you is to provide any feedback towards the service by completing our online review form.

Simply fill out the below form for your free local trip plan!

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.